Tuesday, May 26, 2009


1. Font: A specific size and style of a letter or number

2. Type: To enter characters by pressing keys on the keyboard

3. Serif: Lines on the end of letters

4. San-Serif: No lines on the ends of letters

5. Italics: Refers to cursive typefaces based on a stylized form of calligraphic handwriting

6. Stroke: The pressing of a key

7. Glyph: Art in the form of a symbolic figure carved or incised in relief

8. Character: May refer to any sign or symbol.

9. Script: Script typefaces are based upon the varied and often fluid stroke created by handwriting.

10. Ligature: Character consisting of two or more letters combined into one

11. Justification: The typographic alignment setting of text or images within a column or "measure" to align along both the left and right margin.

12. OpenType Fonts: Based on the Microsoft TrueType fonts, that contain screen and printer fonts in a set.

13. TrueType Fonts: TrueType is a vector font standard developed by Apple, and is also used in Microsoft Windows.

14. Post Script: Small information left after the main idea is stated

15. Leading: Going ahead of a stroke to find characters

16. Kerning: referring to the process of physically removing material from the cast character

17.Tracking: Following the form of a character

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

1. Greed-Green

2. Hunger-Red

3. Money-Green

4. Love-Pink

5. Hate-Red

6. Sickness-Gray

7. Disease-Black

8. Youth-White

9. Sleep-Black

10. Sadness-Blue

11. Misery-Black

12. Old Age-Gray

13. Anger-Hot red

14. Danger-Red

15. Affection-Pink

16. Wisdom-White

17. Purity-White

18. Happiness-Pink

19. Friendship-Pink

20. Time-Gray

Sunday, March 29, 2009